The new parking lot and interpretive sign are installed at NCCT’s Suszko Ridge Property, thanks to grant support from our friends at the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin! The property is open to the public during daylight hours and we welcome everyone to visit and explore this special place. The property is located in Waushara County off of Blackhawk Road.
We are also thankful for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program for their ongoing help restoring Suszko Ridge back to its natural habitat. Special thanks as well to NCCT Board Member, A.J. McCaskey for helping to oversee these activities and for helping to install the sign last week. The sign features the history of the property, characteristics of this awesome landscape, and information about NCCT. Thanks everyone for helping to support local conservation and community access to this special place!
To learn more about Suszko Ridge, click here: