Archived: NCCT Welcomes New Board Members

Greg Dahl

Greg DahlGreg recently retired after more than 31 years from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources working in Wildlife Management. Most recently he was the Wisconsin Rapids Area Wildlife Supervisor where he was involved in the management of the Buena Vista Wildlife Area and the prairie chicken program, involved in the establishment of the Central Wisconsin Grassland Conservation Area, and oversaw the Mead/McMillan and the Sandhill/Meadow Valley work units.  Throughout his career he worked and partnered with other Department programs (forestry, fisheries, law enforcement and lands), other agencies and sportsmen groups. He is an active member of NCCT’s Stewardship and Properties Committees. His hobbies and interests include fishing, hunting, gardening (both vegetable and perennials), bird watching, hiking, camping, travel, and activities with family and friends.



Justin Isherwood

Justin IsherwoodJustin is an award-winning author and fifth-generation Portage County farmer. He farms peas, sweet corn, field corn, potatoes, and maple syrup on 1400 acres in southern Portage County. He has authored 24 books and is an active columnist in the local paper. He is a member of the Wisconsin Potato Board, board member of the United Potato Growers of Wisconsin, and has fought to get Portage County Drainage District to adapt new hydrological precepts without dredging and with habitat. Justin shares that he “was raised by woodlots, farmers who dwelt well with woods, sawmills, wood craft” and that it continues to be a part of his life. Married to Lynn for 45 years, they live in a hundred plus year farmhouse at the far end of a dirt road.



Diane Wessel

Diane WesselDiane is an AICP planner and a graduate of UWSP with a BS in Forest Management. As planning analyst for Marathon County, she is responsible for planning all aspects of community development including natural resource management, economic development, farmland preservation, landuse, hazard mitigation, stormwater management, sewer service, and intergovernmental relations.  Diane served as project manager and grant administrator for the largest multi-jurisdictional planning grant in the state.  Diane is staff to several committees of the County Board, the Wausau Area Metropolitan Planning Commission, and as a county representative to Marathon County United Way committees.  She is creator and chair of the North Central Wisconsin Stormwater Coalition since its creation in 2008, editor and contributor to Marathon County’s newsletter, graduate of Leadership Wausau, graduate of Wisconsin Women in Government, and is an active member of the American Planning Association.



Roger Zimmermann

Roger ZimmermannRoger recently retired from the Wisconsin Public Service Corporation at the Weston Power Plant, as the Weston Plant Manager. Roger has been the chair of the Central Wisconsin Airport and the Marathon County Solid Waste Board. He served on the Marathon County Board for 7 years serving on the Infrastructure Committee, Marathon County Library Board, Executive Committee, Rules Review Committee and the Human Resources Committee. He is currently serving on the Board of Adjustment, and the Public Service Commission. Roger Zimmermann has been taking photos of the native plants and animals at NCCT’s Rice Lake property for the past six months and plans to complete a one-year cycle of its flora and fauna. He has had photos published in many issues of Nature Photographer magazine and was a winner in the Nature Photographers 2012 Fall Contest. Besides Photography, Roger is the president of the Wisconsin Valley Woodturners Club and has published articles about wood turning in American Woodturner magazine.

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