2024 Annual Harvest Dinner
& 30th Anniversary Celebration
Fundraiser, & Friend-raiser

North Central Conservancy Trust
2024 Harvest Dinner & 30th Anniversary Celebration
Thursday, September 19 4:30 - 8 PM
Bukolt Park Lodge, Stevens Point, WI
Open to the Public, All Welcome
Registration Details:
Tickets still available, register today!
Early Bird Dinner Tickets - $45
After Friday, August 30 - $50
Presentation Tickets (No Dinner) - $20
Sponsored Dinner Tickets Available for Students!*
*Interested students please contact NCCT Office!
Event Program
4:30 pm - Social Hour (Live Music, Cash Bar, Silent Auction & Raffle)
4:45 pm - Buffet Dinner Open (buffet will close at 6:00 pm)
6:00 pm - Welcome & Featured Presentation: Celebrating 30 Years of NCCT: Past, Present, & Future by Special Guests of NCCT, Executive Director Chris Radford, & Board President Jill Falstad
7:00 pm - Silent Auction & Raffle Close
7:35 pm - Silent Auction & Raffle Winners Announced
8:00 pm - Closing Remarks
Thank you to our 2024 Annual Dinner Major Sponsor:

Evening Presentation:
Celebrating 30 Years of NCCT: Past, Present, & Future
by NCCT Executive Director Chris Radford, Board President Jill Falstad, & Special Guests of NCCT
Join past and present staff, board members, landowners, and volunteers of the North Central Conservancy Trust for a storytelling-style presentation about the past, present, and future of the organization! During this engaging presentation, guests will learn about the catalyst that sparked the vision for NCCT, how the organization formed, and how it has grown into an accredited land trust with over 5,000 acres of land protected. Through stories, anecdotes, and shared memories, speakers will walk guests through the 30 year history of this organization before discussing what to expect in the future.

Support the Campaign: $30,000 for 30 Years
Celebrate 30 years of land and water protection in Central Wisconsin by supporting NCCT's campaign to raise $30,000 by September 30, 2024 in honor of our 30th anniversary!
Since 1994, support from NCCT’s members has provided the resources needed to work with private landowners to protect over 5,200 acres of land and 10 miles of shoreline on Central Wisconsin waterbodies.
Your gift to the $30,000 for 30 Years campaign is a vote of confidence in NCCT’s mission and an investment in the protection of more land and water in Central Wisconsin in the future! THANK YOU!
Win a Kayak! Raffle Tickets Now Available!

1 for $10
3 for $20
10 for $50
30 for $100
Raffle Prize: Native Watercraft Falcon 11 Fishing Kayak, Paddle, Roof Rack Attachments (used), and Tie-Down Straps!
Raffle Drawing: Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 7:35 PM
Need not be present to win!